Plattsburgh to Orlando (MCO) starting at only $73 USD ($99 CAD) round trip

Nonstop flights from Plattsburgh to Orlando (MCO) starting at just $73 USD ($99 CAD) round-trip with new carrier Breeze. You must enter the promo code “Wander” to lower the price to $73 USD ($99 CAD). This promo code will end on November 15, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. for travel from December 1, 2023 to January 31, 2023. Cabin baggage is $35 USD and the first checked bag is $37 USD for each segment.

Here are some examples that we have spotted with promo code “Wander”:

More dates are available, you can also switch dates between the examples to change the duration of your trip.

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List of baggage allowance for each carrier

* All prices were valid at the time of publication, but prices change quickly and some may not be available for long. See terms and conditions for more details.


